Monday, April 23, 2012

Some days, there just isn't enough bleach.

I said I wouldn't censor myself here, and here's your proof. Stop reading now, if you're squeamish or hate swearing.

Goodbye, Jersey. Hello, Toby.

We recently had our cat, Jersey, put to sleep. It was the first time I have had to make that decision about a pet, and it was difficult. I loved that cat so much. I still do.


Jersey probably had congestive heart failure. February 8, Christopher woke up earlier than usual to find Jersey on the kitchen floor, drooling, panting and gurgling. I had Johnny take him to the emergency veterinarian, and she said the X-rays of his lungs looked terrible. She wasn't sure if it was cancer or congestive heart failure, but she didn't think he had much time left.

They shaved him and drained his lungs. The veterinarian prescribed Furoquid (a diuretic) and sent him home. Jersey stopped eating. He just wasted away. At first we tried to pique his interest in food again by feeding him wet food, which he took to immediately, but after a couple of weeks, he stopped wanting that too. We bought a high-calorie gel that you're supposed to apply to the cat's paws so he will lick it off, but Jersey wasn't grooming himself, so it just stayed there and crusted on his paws. Out of desperation, I began smearing it on the roof of his mouth.

But it just wasn't enough. On April 14, Jersey collapsed at his water bowl. He tried to walk away, but he couldn't walk straight. He collapsed again in the doorway to the garage. It was a Saturday night, so we had to take him to the emergency clinic again, but this time, he was just so weak and small (this cat who used to weigh 21 lbs was now only 7 lbs.) that I knew it was time to let him go. I had my husband take him because I knew I couldn't.

The last photo of Jersey with his best friend, Leah

Johnny stayed with Jersey until he died, and when he did, a storm surprised everyone and dumped hail and rain on the city, just like the rainstorm that began right when my mother died. I know it's just coincidence, but the storms certainly reflected my mood.

I hadn't planned on getting another cat, and certainly not within a week of Jersey's death, but I was feeling morose and tortured myself by looking at cats on Petfinder. Then I saw Toby. I loved him. I have a special place in my heart for black and white male cats. I had to adopt Toby.

The adoption fee for the Humane Society of West Texas is $100, and we hadn't budgeted for that expense, so my father covered the adoption fee for me. He even overnighted the money so I could get Toby sooner.

On April 20, we took Toby home. He has been making himself at home since then.
Toby on his way to his new home

Laser cat!

Getting in good with Johnny

He's so playful!

Aurora is getting closer to Toby

Taking a break from all that playing

Monday morning crayon foot makeup

Christopher used a crayon to apply "makeup" to my foot, so I'd be "pretty."
 And here's a baby who hates clothes.
To her credit, she did take off her diaper and used the big potty. Good girl. Now she is in her Minnie Mouse panties, and she is quite happy.